7 Hjärnarp-Båstad

  • Length

    21.9 km

  • Estimated time



Enjoy pleasant cycling on the railway embankment, through Sinarpsdalen's 230-million-year-old valley and further on to Hallandsåsen's picturesque views.

Just north of Hjärnarp lies Margretetorp Gästgifvaregård, a classic Scanian inn with roots dating back to the 14th century. Here you are welcome to sit down to enjoy a meal in a heritage-rich environment.

After a further stretch of biking, it can be nice to park the bike for a while and take a restful promenade along one of the three winding trails in Hålehall's recreation area. From Förslöv and north towards Båstad, pleasant cycling is offered on the newly constructed embankment in lovely nature among hills and rippling streams in Sinarpsdalen. The valley itself, which stretches between Båstad and Grevie, was formed circa 230 million years ago and consists of a clear crack in Hallandsåsen with beautiful views.

Båstad and the Bjäre Peninsula is a well-known gem thanks to its contrasts with the sea, nature and fantastic views, but also for a teeming summer life with, among other things, tennis and swimming. Stroll around in the marina, eat at one of the harbour restaurants and if you are interested, visit the Skansenbadet with cold water bathhouse. If you are on your way to the train station, which is about 4 km east of the center, a detour down to the mile-long beach is recommended first. 

The Skåne cycle path meets the Kattegattle path in Båstad, and if you're keen on cycling, you can choose to either bike north or further south on this coastal path which stretches between Helsingborg and Gothenburg. Read more at www.kattegattleden.se/en

If you follow the Kattegattle trail to the west, you will reach the well-known Norrviken Gardens after 4 km of biking. It was founded in 1906, and its green oasis is famous for many style gardens such as the Baroque Garden, the water garden and the Japanese garden. Experience the gardens on your own or with a guided tour, and don't miss the shop, chocolate shop and restaurant.

Along Sub trail 102 there are train stations in the following locations: Ystad, Höör, Kågeröd, Klippan, Förslöv and Båstad.  

21.9 km


  • 1-30 km
  • Lätt
  • Tätortsnära
  • Blandtrafik, asfalt
  • Cykelbana, asfalt
  • Cykelleden Skåne



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Photographer: Oliver Bock
Photographer: Planet Visible

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